Senior Times, established in 1993, is the regional resource for area senior adults published monthly in a newspaper format. Learn all about local resources and issues impacting mature adults as well as their adult children from monthly featured topics to Medicare, Social Security, Veteran's benefits, legal issues, guardianship, and so much more. Senior Times also provides monthly information about community and senior center activities, housing options, caregiver needs, support groups, meal sites, transportation, and more. Senior Times is published twelve times per year. Senior Times is distributed free through our advertisers, area professional offices, and key points of interest primarily in Barry, Branch, Calhoun, and Jackson Counties, along with limited quantities to surrounding counties.
Senior Times is also hand delivered, for free distribution to the general public, to hundreds of locations throughout our market area. We want it out there, working – where people shop and enjoy the community.
Advertising in Senior Times will benefit your company / organization in three ways
1. Your print ad in Senior Times will target adults over 50 seeking to look at all the living yet to do as well as those needing to find solutions for challenges facing their aging loved ones. We will help you to stand out as a leader in your industry as well as a strong advocate for seniors as you join with us in community events and programs.
2. Our online publication is available 24/7 and a simple click on your ad will automatically send the reader to your website for additional information. If you do not have a website we will gladly assist you in developing one.
3. Our targeted social media activity will draw more to your online presence beyond your current connections.
All this and more as we can help you with your branding campaign from design to photography and video development.
Call us and learn more about how can advocate for you and your loved ones. Join us as we continue to put community first.
The button below is a link to a pdf of the Senior Times rate card, ad sizes, and requirements to view/download.
To view Senior Time's monthly editorial topic(s), due date, and publish date, select the month (tab).
The button below is a link to a pdf of the Scene editorial calendar if you would like to view/download it.