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                                    Holidays * Gift Giving * New TraditionsWhether you will be celebrating with family or friends, volunteering with organizations that work hard to make the holidays better for those in our community, or struggling to find new traditions that matter, this issue of Senior Times is for you. You will even read about a way to join your New Year's Resolutions with adding joy to the season for others. Also in this issue is an update on the COLA you can expect coming in January in your Social Security payments. Further changes in Social Security includes moving to scheduling appointments to increase productivity and decrease wait times. Read more on page 5 of this issue.One of the greatest gifts we can give and receive is our time. May you find creative ways to share more of it with others that matter most to you or make new friends to last all year long. Read about a creative story on page 3 of this issue that led to a new tradition as well. Wishing you a holiday of new traditions and new memories that bring you joy! Merry Christmas from your friends at Senior Times! SENIOR TIMES P.O. Box 2257 Battle Creek, MI 49016 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTEDTo find out how advertising in the Senior Times can benefit your business call (269) 979-1479 %u2022 Your Joy this Holiday %u2013 Page 2Healthy Habits for a Healthy Season %u2013 Page 4The Gift of Time and Treasures %u2013 Page 6Gift Giving & New Year%u2019s Resolutions %u2013 Page 12Traveling With Dementia this Holiday %u2013 Page 14Senior Housing Guide %u2013 pgs 8-9 Senior Activities %u2013 pgs 16-17Senior Dining Centers %u2013 pg 19Crossword Puzzle %u2013 pg 20 Senior Support Groups %u2013 pg 21Decmber 2024 Volume 31-12TMSOUTH CENTRAL MICHIGANA FREE PUBLICATIONA Newspaper For And About Area Senior AdultsANSWERSS A C S A G A A C H EE G O T H A W L O A DC A L L I O P EK I N DO I L YD A N D YS P R E E S A U LP U F F C A L L I S T OE M UF O L L Y M O WC A L L O W A Y R O L LA U L DP O O L SA N N U LE A S TD O O R C A L L A H A NA N T E A P S EL Y EM E A LR E E D Y E WMerryChristmasWhat's Inside
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