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                                    Page 10 Senior Times - October 2024Enjoy the best in retirement living on a beautiful 50+ acre country setting campus in the heart of Battle Creek and just minutes from downtown. Have peace of mind living in a maintenance-free, safe, and secure community. Senior living at its best!Life is Even Better atNorthPointe Woods!CONTACT Amber Duncan to schedule your private or virtual tour!269-248-3997 / NorthPointeWoods.org700 North Avenue in Battle CreekThe Senior Fitness and Fun program is funded by the Calhoun County Senior Millage.Senior Fitness & Fun!SIGN UP TODAY! CALL 269.441.0948Tai Chi ClassesSenior Health PartnersYour Partner in Health, Support, and Fun!Free & Open to the Public Age 60 & Older!ExercisesAnyone Can Do!Nurse Provided Health Screenings%u2022 Stretching and Flexibility%u2022 Balance and Strength Building%u2022 Homer Public Library%u2022 Leroy Township Hall%u2022 Marengo Township Hall%u2022 Kingdom Builders, Battle Creek%u2022 Heritage Commons, Marshall%u2022 Trinity Episcopal Church, Marshall(Must Preregister, Call 269.986.1583)%u2022 Blood Pressures%u2022 Blood Sugars%u2022 Pulse Ox%u2022 Medication Management%u2022 Wellness EducationSilver Sneakers Yoga %u2022 Kingdom Builders Worldwide(Call 269.441.0948 for more info )Locations%u2022 Albion Caring Community Church%u2022 Albion Forks Senior Center%u2022 Athens Lighthouse Event Center%u2022 Battle Creek Calvary Baptist Church%u2022 Battle Creek Kingdom Builder%u2022 Battle Creek Trinity Neighbor Center%u2022 Battle Creek Woodland Church%u2022 Convis Township Hall%u2022 Homer 1st Presbyterian Church%u2022 Hickory Hills Village, Battle Creek%u2022 Leroy Township Hall%u2022 Marshall Trinity Episcopal Church%u2022 Marshall VFW%u2022 Tekonsha Fire Dept%u2022 Urbandale Christ United MethodistNEWyou don%u2019t receive a payment, be sure to wait three days before calling to report it missing. To ensure that your payments go to the right place, create a personal my Social Security account. There, you can verify and manage your benefits without calling or visiting an office. Please visit to create your account.QUESTION: A few years ago, I lost my Social Security card. Now my credit report shows that someone might be using my Social Security number. I%u2019m afraid they might ruin my credit. What should I do? ANSWER: Identity theft and fraud are serious problems, not just for you, but for the financial integrity of our agency. It%u2019s against the law to use someone else%u2019s Social Security number, give false information when applying for a number, or alter, buy, or sell Social Security cards. Keep in mind, you should never carry your Social Security card with you. If you think someone is using your Social Security number fraudulently, you should report it to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) right away. You can report it at or you can call FTC%u2019s hotline at 1-877-IDTHEFT (1-877-438-4261) TTY (1-866-653-4261). QUESTION: How can I get a copy of my Social Security Statement?ANSWER: You can get your personal Social Security Statement (Statement) online by using your personal my Social Security account. If you don%u2019t yet have an account, you can easily create one on our website. Your online Statement gives you secure and convenient access to your recent earnings records. It also shows estimates for retirement, disability, and survivors benefits you and your family may be eligible for.To set up or use your account to get your online Social Security Statement, go to We also mail Statements to workers age 60 and over who aren%u2019t receiving Social Security benefits and do not yet have a personal my Social Security account. We mail the Statements three months prior to your birthday.QUESTION: What do Social Security benefits have to do with getting Medicare?ANSWER:Before you turn 65:%u2022 If you apply to start getting retirement benefits from Social Security (or the Railroad Retirement Board) at least four months before you turn 65, you%u2019ll automatically get Part A (Hospital Insurance) and Part B (Medical Insurance) when you turn 65.%u2022 You%u2019ll still need to make important decisions about how you get your coverage, including adding drug coverage.If you want to get Medicare when you turn 65, but aren%u2019t planning to take retirement benefits at that time, you%u2019ll need to sign up for Medicare.After you turn 65:%u2022 You%u2019ll have to contact Social Security when you%u2019re ready to sign up for Medicare.%u2022 Depending on your work situation and if you have health coverage through your employer, you may want to wait to sign up for Medicare.QUESTION: I got an email that says it%u2019s from Social Security, but I%u2019m not so sure. They want me to reply with my Social Security number, date of birth, and mother%u2019s maiden name for %u201cverification.%u201d Did it really come from Social Security?ANSWER: No. Social Security will only send you an email if you have subscribed to receive them and only in limited situations. We will never send you an email asking you to share your personal information, such as your Social Security number, date of birth, or other private information. Beware of such scams %u2013 they%u2019re after your information so they can use it for their own benefit. When in doubt, or if you have any questions about correspondence you receive from Social Security, contact your local Social Security office, or call us at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) to see whether we really need any information from you.QUESTION: I usually get my benefit payment on the first of the month. But what if the first falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday? Will my payment be late? ANSWER: Just the opposite. Your payment should arrive early. For example, if you usually get your payment on the first of a month, but it falls on a weekend or legal holiday, we will send payments on the business day prior to the due date. You can find the payment schedules at Any time Social SecurityQ&ABy: Hillary Hatch, Social Security Public Affairs Specialist
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