Page 15 - Scene Magazine 44-12 December 2018
P. 15

Non Profit Scene
Program Manager Special Initiatives
CareWell Services, your area agency on aging, is excited to partner with local, state, and federal efforts to ensure that SE- NIORS COUNT! across Calhoun County for the upcoming 2020 U.S. Census. The 2020 Census happens in only a few short months, and it is paramount that the count is accurate. An accurate count could mean more funds for much-relied-upon pro- grams used by low-income families and seniors in rural communities like those in our area.
• March 25, 2-4:30pm at Forks Senior Center, 101 N. Albion St., Albion
• March 26, 11am-2:30pm at Heritage
Current funding projections show communities like Calhoun County could lose $1,800 per year for 10 years for each uncounted person. The state of Michigan is the second in the nation in terms of what it receives for federal funding, which is about 42% of our state budget. That is why it is so important to count everybody.
• March 24, 1-4pm at Kool Family Com- munity Center, 200 W. Michigan Ave., Battle Creek
The Census is coming and SENIORS COUNT!
The Census Bureau Will Never Ask You...
Your Social Security Number Money or donations Anything on behalf of a political party Your bank or credit card
account numbers
Have questions? Call us, we’re here to help at (269) 441-0930
The U.S. Census counts everyone in the United States every 10 years. Census results help determine how more than $675 billion in federal funds are distrib- uted each year to support vital health, housing, education, transportation, em- ployment, and even senior services right here in Calhoun County. In the past, the federal government gave Michigan $17.7 billion to distribute to initiatives around the state, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. That’s big money that would be difficult to recoup.
census worker seeking to get the informa- tion the government needs.
CENSUS 2020 FACTS: Healthcare
– Every person in Michigan deserves the opportunity to be healthy. Life-saving medical care programs like MIChild, Medicaid, and Medicare all depend on being counted in the census. It’s important that you fill it out in the spring of 2020 so you and your entire family can get proper medical care when you need it.
Once you receive your invitation in the mail, CareWell Services is ready to help! Bring your invitation and we’ll assist you in responding.
The Census Bureau will not share your responses with immigration en- forcement agencies, law enforcement agencies, or allow that information to be used to determine eligibility for govern- ment benefits.
Commons Senior Center, 13444 Preston Dr., Marshall
If there is a decrease in government funding allocations, local charitable orga- nizations would surely be asked to make up for the shortfall, increasing the high demand for assistance they already have. Those most at risk of not being counted are those who stand to lose the most and need the programs which could lose fund- ing, including children, seniors, and those who are low income.
As Calhoun County continues to see an increase in the number of older adults in our community, your participation is more important than ever! Filling out the new nine-question Census form is quick, easy, and always confidential and it helps you, your family, and neighbors in important ways.
In March, most people will receive
an invitation to participate in the census. You will get several other reminders in the mail before an actual questionnaire. At the end of April, those who haven’t taken part in the census through mail or online can expect a knock on their door from a
We will be hosting Seniors Count! events throughout Calhoun County. Current events are planned at the fol- lowing locations:
This commitment means it is safe to provide your answers and know that they will only be used to paint a statistical portrait of our nation and communities.

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